Celiac Part 2: Destined for a life of suffering and more autoimmune diseases?
In my last blog post (Part 1: Destined for a life of suffering and more autoimmune disease), I looked at how having Celiac Disease makes...
Celiac Part 1: Destined for a life of suffering and more autoimmune diseases?
I was taken aback when I read an article in Gluten Free & More entitled, “Celiac & Autoimmune Disease: The Surprising Association Between...
The Real Reason You are Still Sick with Celiac: What Your Doctor Won't Tell You
Gut infections, food sensitivities, gluten cross-reactive foods, nutrient deficiencies. hypothyroid, microbiome imbalance: the real reason y
A Deep Dive Into Root Cause- The Microbiome
As I began school with Functional Diagnostic Nutrition, I entered this deep-dive into root cause. I started asking myself what MY root...
Ditch the New Years' Resolution and Ask This Instead
Is your health worth the journey of getting well? If you are tired of medications that don't work or that have horrible side-effects, th